Planning for an energy storage scheme close to historic York
Project overview
Client: Arenko GroupLocation: Osbaldwick, North Yorkshire
Sector: Energy
Project status: Planning approved
London-headquartered energy optimisation specialist Arenko appointed PWA to seek planning approval for a new energy storage facility in North Yorkshire.
What we did
The proposed site for the facility was a one-hectare parcel of land next to a National Grid substation and close to the village of Osbaldwick, York.
The facility would provide 49.9MW of battery storage to provide an optimal service to the National Grid at the lowest possible cost, facilitating a cleaner and more efficient energy system.
During the planning process, we were able to demonstrate to the planning authority that existing tree screening afforded to the site, the infrastructure associated with the adjacent substation, and the fact that the site is not within or near a protected landscape, meant there would be no material adverse landscape and visual impacts associated with the development.
There were several technical issues to overcome, including proximity to trees, requirements for additional drainage work and the potential for ecological issues. An ecological assessment was undertaken and proposals for native species planting and other mitigation measures to protect wildlife were identified.
We were able to demonstrate that the proposed development would comply with emerging local planning policy, national planning policy and government thinking on low carbon technologies. Planning consent was secured for the site in March 2020.