We’re pleased to announce three new appointments to the PWA team.
Dr Victoria Lawson has joined us as a planner and Matthew Walton has been appointed as assistant planner.
Meanwhile, Janet Whittaker has also joined as accounts manager to support our management team as the business continues to grow.
Our director Paul Walton comments: “In Victoria we have gained a very experienced planner, but also someone who can bring a fresh and influential approach because of her time in academia and strong specialism in urban design.
“Matthew is starting out on his journey in town planning and will add further depth to our team as we support him through his training. Not only has our recent growth led to a need to strengthen our planning team, but also our operational team. Bringing Janet on board allows us to improve our financial and accounting processes.”
Victoria is a chartered town planner with an MA in Urban Design. She has over 20 years’ experience in working on built environment projects.
She joins PWA from Manchester University where she taught planning and urban design while completing a Planning PhD. Prior to academia, she worked as a planner in both private practice and for local authorities, including Christchurch City Council in New Zealand.
Matt has chosen to pursue a career in town planning after a short period working in the construction industry. He graduated from University of Liverpool in 2019 with a BSc in Geography.
Janet has 30 years’ experience in accounting working for a range of companies and is a Member in Practice of Association of Accounting Technicians (ATT).
Pictured left to right above are Matthew Walton, Dr Victoria Lawson and Janet Whittaker.